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The key to your success
Is being a role model in life
Showing that you really care
Will keep our youth from all this strife
Your smile is what is needed
To cure this disease we show
As commitment, honour and fellowship
Is for all our Maori to know, the walk we've taken is really hard
For us to share a lot with others
We really need to search our hearts and bond ourselves to all our brothers
Our youth is truly our main concern
To see them grow without this hate
As trouble comes from friends we keep
When later in life they meet their fate
Help is needed in this concern
For us to come together as one by doing all this and building this aroha
Is building a relationship within God's son
Without this blessing within our people and the year 2000 is approaching fast
Our Maori need to find their gift
To forget what happened within the past so inmates show our youth, your mana
The mana we once had, by our side
For growth is where thy heart is plus Jesus within us, as our guide.