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The Lord will give you strength dad
In many ways than one
You hold the key to your own heart dad
To rid the troubles that we've done
A hardened face is not God's door dad
In what you really want to find
Sharing, loving and doing Gods will dad, is something pure, obedient and very kind
Do not doubt what God can do dad
In various things you want to try
For your hardness melt and you are born dad
To a future that will make you shy, I myself was shy at first dad
But now Gods built me new foundations
This place he has me doing dad
Is sharing with people at different outstations
Sharing and writing all this poetry dad
Is truly a gift from God to me, so you can have a special gift dad
To have God move and set you free, the decision you make is only yours dad
For God to melt you pound by pound, cause as you move in his own grace dad
God will plant in you a seed for sound
This sound is something special dad, to have around your life
For me it's been protection dad
To keep me away from strife, be proud in what Gods given dad
As this is the true place you want to be
Now insert your key into all the wrong places dad
For God cleans insides and has your soul set free
Your heart will change a lot my dad
In places you have never felt before
As knowledge comes from the inside
Outside comes God who comes inside with more